Wash and wipe the lemon and the orange, put their peel, cut into ribbons, into a saucepan, after having stuck cloves into the orange peel. Add the cinnamon, sugar and orange liqueur. Heat over an alcohol stove, add the brandy and flambÄ while stirring with a ladle. Pour in the hot coffe very slowly, keep stirring. Remove the peel and the cinnamon. Serve the cafÄ br₧lot in pottery goblets.
6 teacups coffee
1 orange
1 lemon
8 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
3 tablespoons fine granulated sugar
3 1/3 tbsp orange liqueur
3 1/3 tbsp brandy
The success of the cafÄ br₧lot depends on the quality of the coffee which you make beforehand.